Michael Townsend Williams

The Art Of Welldoing

Following on from recent talks at Babington House and at Penny Brohn Cancer Care I promised attendees that I would email some links relevant to my talks.

This post brings together some previous ones about the process of getting things done mindfully - the art of welldoing. For me, welldoing has 3 key dimensions:

1. Doing (the process)

2. Being (moment by moment awareness and happiness)

3. Knowing why (direction and purpose)

Here are some useful links to each dimension…

1. Doing - the process

Getting yourself organised - physically, digitally and mentally within a framework that works.

Stuff for filing stuff - How to set up your desk and filing.

Empty your mind - How to clear your mind.

Processing - Your personal workflow

2 minutes - If it only takes 2 minutes, just do it.

Is your email out of control? - Get your inbox to zero.

Email manifesto - Making email sane again.

Weekly Review - Spend time with yourself every week.

If you think this is all too much read about the benefits here, you're worth it!

If you want to fully implement a system personally or for your organisation, read here.


2. Being - the way

A short guide to mindfulness.

A short guide to happiness and a video that explains more.

Happy workers are more productive.

My work on mindfulness at work

A little wellbeing - a little post that links to lots of other ones you might like.


3. Knowing why - finding purpose and direction

Do you have control and perspective? Have a look here.

How positive are you? See here.

That's all for now folks! Welldoing is also becoming a business and you can read about that here.

Please let me know your ideas about getting the right amount of being and doing in your life. Comments welcome. Please share :-)

The 3 Keys To Breathing Well.

A Little Wellbeing