


Anything you do,
can be done

Washing up, brushing your teeth, running, walking, playing music, yoga, swimming or whatever.

In fact, researchers in the 1970s coined the phrase flow for athletes, musicians and performers who lose a sense of themselves as they rich the peak of their abilities – in 'flow'. Moving mindfully is exactly that – being in a state of flow where your confined sense of self is replaced by a liberating one. Finding stillness in movement brings a depth and richness to your experience of life. Regular exercise also lifts your mood, keeps you fit and makes you feel more alive.

1. Walking

Whether as a formal walking practice in pre-defined lines or rambling across country, walking mindfully brings the benefits of meditation and exercise together in a simple daily activity. Firstly, be aware of your feet on the ground before you start to move. Rock forwards and backwards, then side to side on your feet. Be aware of your feet and toes. Walk in a straight line for a few metres inhaling as you raise your right foot and exhaling as you plant it heel first then toes, then the same with your left foot. Next inhale as you raise one foot and exhale as you raise the other. Walk up and down for a few metres feeling you feet and integrating your breath. Become aware of your body moving through space. Now you’re ready to venture outdoors. Walk for 10 minutes dropping all thoughts of destination.

Whenever your mind wanders come back to the feeling of your feet, the movement of your body and the sensations of your breath in your belly and through your nose.


2. Daily activities

Everyday activities don’t have to feel like chores. Simple repetitive tasks can be the perfect opportunity to practise mindfulness. The following are some of my favourites: brushing your teeth, showering, shaving, vacuuming, raking leaves, drinking water, writing this or reading this! Whilst ‘doing’ these actions, use your senses, feel your breath. Notice more, think less. When you find your mind resisting or judging or dreaming, notice that too.


3. Mindful yoga

Traditional yoga was a preparation for seated breathing and meditation practices. Nowadays it has become more about fitness. A simple routine practised daily for 15 minutes can have enormous benefit, both physically and mentally. The following outline is a short, balanced session that enables you to move your spine in all 5 directions -forwards, backwards, inverted, sideways and twisted:

  1. Relax
  2. Warm Up (Cat or Sun salutations)
  3. Forward Bend
  4. Cobra Back Bend
  5. Downward Dog or Shoulderstand
  6. Triangle
  7. Floor Twist
  8. Relax Again

4. General exercise

Why not take up a sport again? Or try something new. Row, swim, play golf, skate! Get your bike fixed. Make your walking practice mindful power-walking! Or put more effort into daily activities -use cans of baked beans to do some arm strengthening while you’re waiting for the kettle to boil. Use a pedometer to increase the number of steps you take everyday. Make mindful movement part of your everyday life and notice the difference it makes to how you feel.



Every day continue to practice your morning breathing formally. (10 mins) During the day be mindful of both your breath and your senses.

Every evening spend 15 minutes following one of the tracks above. Either walking or yoga. At least once a week try some other form of exercise.

Notice how moving changes how you feel mentally as well as physically.