Michael Townsend Williams

Learning how yoga works?

  Yogis have known for centuries that a yoga practice makes us feel calm and centred. But science is finally catching up with what we've all experienced on the mat and the cushion:  yoga changes our brain chemistry, which in turn helps improve mood and decrease anxiety.

A new study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary medicine reports that yoga triggers the release of the brain chemical gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, a chemical in the brain that helps to regulate nerve activity.

The findings establish a new link between yoga, higher levels of GABA, and improved mood.

The study, led by researchers at the Boston University School of Medicine (the lead researcher is a yogi!), brings us one step closer toward harnessing yoga's power of prevention and relaxation.  Who knows: maybe this can lead to a wider acceptance of yoga in the medical community as a tool to help people struggling with anxiety and depression.

Prescription for yoga, anyone?

Vegetable subji recipe

Yoga Nidra = Deep relaxation